peacock feathers – Scott and Tina Phillips Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:51:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 it’s been a month already? Thu, 05 May 2011 00:53:40 +0000 I’ll just jump right in here and answer the question everyone (and their dog) has been asking since we said “i do“, brace yourself, “How does it feel to be married?” Scott and I discussed this after the 15th time we were asked this question:

Tina: So…do you feel any different?
Scott: uhm. not really.
Tina: me neither.

So there you have it people, not a huge difference. Other than Scott getting used to wearing jewelry and me trying to change my name. The latter is more difficult, but Scott may have a different opinion. The name changing so far has been quite an experience. Note to other brides changing their name at the DMV, fix your hair and wear make-up. They WILL be taking your picture again. *Sigh* learned that the hard way.

Here’s my take on it. I would rather have it this way than feel like I’ve been transformed or something new. I didn’t view my wedding as a big pep rally (Team Awesome!) but rather a cozy celebration with family and friends whom we hope will continue with us on our journey. As of now, our journey consists of trying to get rid of over 200 peacock feathers… know anyone? I can hook you up people. That’s where I think true happiness lives… in the small little details of life. Scott and I can appreciate that, and that’s what makes our marriage awesome. Seriously, how many couples can discuss hamburger recipes and the best place to walk 2 little schnauzers?

The wedding pictures are available…we included anyone else who would share their photos on our website. BTW, I LOVE how well the moustaches went over before the ceremony. It was a last minute thing while preparing the programs, but I think it set a nice informal, but fun tone for the wedding. Thanks for making that work people. We’re all in this together so we might as well make it fun. We are going to try to get our wedding on a couple of wedding blogs just for fun. We’ll let you know if we make it.

One thing we’ve noticed though is people not hiding their coins. I knew it was a long shot to introduce this obscure hobby as a wedding favor, but seriously, try it… it is so much fun and you spend quality time with your loved ones.

Also, always bring your iphone. I’ve been getting hooked on iphone photography and hipstamatic, rocks! They even have a way to print your photos! just make sure your camera is set to high res and they can print up to 30″! I’m about to test this out fairly soon and considering using them for business cards.

Hipstamatic photo of Scott with two Schnauzers.


Peacock feather flower bouquets…and fajitas. Thu, 03 Mar 2011 04:15:14 +0000 Caution: more wedding spoilers…otherwise enjoy.

First an update: T-24 days and counting. We’ve so far gotten first draft of the wedding vows, a list of signs I need to make and design, a final meeting at the Greenbranch, and a visit from Pastor Dan on Monday. (Dear Pastor Dan, please forgive me but everytime I see you, I hear Forrest Gump in my head screaming “Lieutenant Dan!”)

Last week was full of wedding stuff. Scott and I had a final meeting of going over final stuff at the Greenbranch. Alexi, my MOH, Sandee, my cake, caterer, and Michelle, our newly appointed wedding planner person came to the meeting with us. Michelle is a friend of a friend (well, I call her friend now too) who recommended our photographer to us awhile back and has since decided to begin wedding and event planning ( in Bryan/College Station. Not the overly frou-frou ones mind you, but the really fun and creative ones that are totally personalized and alternative, which around here, is hard to come by. She’s got great ideas and I’m totally happy she’s helping us out the day of.

Anyhoo, the meeting went very well. I actually got talked out of some of the lighting plans I had, but really, I’m a bit relieved as we’ll now have less to do the day before.  I bought candles so everything should be nice and romantic.

The rest of the week was getting prepared for the flower power party. I am so lucky to have friends who are willing to drive 2 hours to be put to work making flowers. We previously had taken a class in Austin at The Stitch Lab on ribbon flowers and were excited to put all that knowledge to work. I highly recommend the stitch lab..i will be revisiting future classes, my inner Martha is pining to make stuff.

Saturday at noon, Molly, Tara, Megan, Alexi and Beth came over and the assembly line began. Megan seems to channel Martha Stewart and everything she touches becomes like perfectly beautiful…we had her fixing everyone’s goofs or starting people out in addition to making pretty flowers.

Tara, Molly, and I made more flowers. Alexi was in charge of hot glue and creating stems (which I learned from Beth, styrofoam thingies are so not necessary. All you need is cloth covered wire and lots of hot glue to make stems) Beth was in charge of arranging flowers as we went. I have been making flowers since Scott and I got engaged, but you know the saying you have to be bad before you can be good? (yeah, lots of bad flowers were concocted…almost frankenstein-like..some survived and were incorporated into the bouquets) I also knew I wanted a variety so I bought some wood birch chip flowers from etsy at a store called accents and petals.


Last but not least, Scott and the men folk grilled fajitas with all the fixins for the ladies. Scott would like his ancient fajita secret shared….Tecate marinade. yes just simply drown the raw chicken in Tecate overnight and you have the best chicken fajitas ever…super juicy. The men kindly did us a favor and left to hang out at a bar for a few more hours while we finished. T’was a productive day and I definitely am very grateful for such awesome friends. I will be extremely happy when Katherine can take pics that do these bouquets justice…. :)
