We’re Married!
by ScottJust a few minutes ago at 6:45pm on March 26th 2011 in Bryan, Texas, Tina Messinger and Scott Phillips were married at a beautiful ceremony outside. Tina and I have been looking forward to this moment for a long time now, and we are both very happy to officially be married.
In addition to the traditional vows both Tina and I wrote personal vows to each other. Here are the vows:
From Scott to Tina
Tina I love you and promise to continue loving you forever. Our relationship will be a place of security and friendship from which we both may grow. I cherish your creativity and will provide you with the support to be courageous with your talents. We will face the challenges that fate hands us together just as we will celebrate our fortunes together.
From Tina to Scott
Scott, I love you and promise to continue to loving you forever. I know my life with you will be filled with love, laughter, and trust. I will always encourage you to be true to yourself. We will continue to grow together, and fall in love a little more each day. I promise to love and support you in all of our adventures in life.
Now we’re off to the reception!